Category Archives: Uncategorized

Inter-Korean BBQ


Not sure why everyone is making so much noise over this issue. Why is S. Korea deliberately causing stress by blaring propoganda across the border. Over 40 hours of meetings for what. All N. Korea had to do was blow up the speakers. No war necessary. A guided missile directly at the speakers would have saved lots of time and trouble. – Cihan Atkin
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Google+ Just Died


Google tried to muscle it’s way into the social networking market and compete with Facebook. Even with all that muscle, they were unsuccessful. They just didn’t get it. Google+ was too late to the show and was too confusing. Now it’s gone…

Moral of the story is; being the pioneer and first to market is key. – Cihan Arkın
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Theaters Are Not Safe!


Theaters are not safe and the theater owners don’t care enough about your safety to put security or metal detectors at the entrance. This is rediculous and with the theater shootings (Colorado & Louisiana) more crazies or terrorists are now clearly aware of this security flaw. A theater has a captive audience which can easily be targeted. A terrorist or a nut job can easily sneak in a weapon or even a bomb to a theater.

WTF…. how much does it cost to put security in theaters? What’s the value of life?

Thank God a company called XCINEX is working to change it all. XCINEX is developing a new technology that will stream theatrical movies to the safety and comfort of your home. Don’t care to risk going to the movies, XCINEX brings the movies to your home.
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XCINEX Website

Smart Ass Artificial Intelligence


Wow this is pretty cool, funny & scary. Artificial intelligence turn out is pretty smart and has an attitude. In this article I read, which I will share below, a scientist has a conversation with a computer about the definition of morality. The computer gets frustrated with the human and even illustrates it’s displeasure.

Soon, as the scientists say, AI will self educate and then begin creating better AI. Am I the only one who thinks thats a bad idea? What do you think is going to happen when the machines no longer need humans? This will be the end of the human species. – Cihan Atkin
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Pass with Care… Wait! OK Go


Samsung has proven once again how awesome they are. Clearly, they are not about just phones and computers. This new idea of putting large screens on the backs of trailers is genious. Not only does the rear screen create a security measure for cars looking to pass the trailer, it also would be great on the sides for advertising. Imagine the add dollars that would bring. – Cihan Atkin
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The Future of Entertainment


A very cool new technology is coming to market soon. Finally a streaming service that understands what consumers want. The latest theatrical entertainment, live events, shows, sports and more streamed to the home.

This new model, pioneered by XCINEX Corp., creates a unique pay-per-viewer system which detects the number of audience and ensures each viewer has a ticket to watch the content. – Cihan Atkin
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